I am Yu Hsiang, recently received a master degree from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. This site is built to introduce myself and collect all the projects I’ve done.
- Nationl Taiwan University, Taiwan <2019~2022>
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics- Quantitative Phase Microscopy
- Red Blood Cell morphology
- MOST grant 基於共光路繞射斷層掃描顯微術之紅血球快速檢驗系統開發
- National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan <2015~2019>
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental sciences- Cell biology
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia <2021.9~2022.2>
Faculty of electrical engineering- Exchange student
- Zhejiang University, China <2017.7~2017.8>
Department of Biomedical Engineering- Laboratory exchange student
- MOXA inc., New Taipei city, Taiwan <2021.7 ~ 2021.8>
Technical Support- Linux OS database and using guide establish.
- Complete the alpha test of upcoming products, provide the potential problem to product department.
- Taking meeting minutes of Europe, China, etc., region meeting.
- Language
- TOEFL 101/120
- Programming
Conference and publication
- Red Blood Cell Morphology Explored with High-Throughput Label-Free Three-Dimensional Digital Holographic Microscopy, Yu-Hsiang Chang, Yang-Hsien Lin, Kung-Bin Sung, OPTIC, 2020