3D reconstruction

For the last step of cell prepocessing, we use fourier diffraction theorem to do the three dimentional reconstruction

Basic concept

For this part we use CUDA to accelerate whole process

  • For each 3D object its frequency domain is also 3D, hence, each projection would be a slice form this domain
  • However, cell is too small that it will cause diffraction while projection, so further estimation above should be considered before mapping each 2d slice back to 3d slice
  • After estimation scatter field flatten 2d slice will become half spherical, with size related to the numerical aperture of objective lens
  • By 3d retotion(rotaion matrix), each projection can be map to origin 3d frquency space
      #include <cupy/complex.cuh>
      extern "C" {
          __global__ void fillEwaldSphere(float2* u_sp, float2* F, int* C, 
                                          float fx0, float fy0, float fz0, float angX, float angY, float fm0,
                                          float df, int sizeX, int sizeY, int sizeZ) {
              bool Fz_err;
              float Fx, Fy, Fz, fx, fy, fz, tmp_fz;
              int ii, jj, Nx, Ny, Nz, Nx2, Ny2, Nz2, idx;
              float fm02 = fm0 * fm0;
              int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
              int j = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
              if (i < sizeX && j < sizeY)
                  ii = i - (sizeX / 2.0f);
                  jj = j - (sizeY / 2.0f);
                  Fx = ii * df;
                  Fy = jj * df;
                  fx = Fx + fx0;
                  fy = Fy + fy0;
                  tmp_fz = fm02 - (fx*fx + fy*fy);
                  if (tmp_fz<0)
                      Fz_err = true;
                  else {
                      Fz_err = false;
                      fz = sqrt(tmp_fz);
                      Fz = fz-fz0;
                      if( fm02 * 2 < fx*fx+fy*fy) Fz_err=true;
                  Nx = cuRound(Fx/df);
                  Ny = cuRound(Fy/df);
                  if ( !Fz_err && Nx >= -sizeX / 2 && Nx<sizeX / 2 && Ny >= -sizeY / 2 && Ny<sizeY / 2)
                      Nz = cuRound(Fz/df);
                      Nx2 = Nx*cos(angX)-Nz*sin(angX);
                      Nz2 = Nx*sin(angX)+Nz*cos(angX);
                      if ( Nx2 >= -sizeX / 2 && Nx2<sizeX / 2 && Nz2 >= -sizeY / 2 && Nz2<sizeY / 2) 
                          Nx = cuMod(Nx , sizeX);
                          Ny = cuMod(Ny , sizeY);
                          Nx2 = cuMod(Nx2 , sizeX);
                          Nz2 = cuMod(Nz2 , sizeY);
                          idx = Nx2 + Nz2*sizeX + Ny*sizeX*sizeY;
                          F[idx].x += (-fz * 2 * M_PI * u_sp[Nx + Ny*sizeX].y);
                          F[idx].y += ( fz * 2 * M_PI * u_sp[Nx + Ny*sizeX].x);
                          atomicAdd(&C[idx], 1);


  • After recontruction some artifact still remain, cause by missing angle problem(yellow part) which is the missing part duting rotation

  • To minimize this problem, we use
    • Total variation minimization
      • https://github.com/gokhangg
    • Negative constraint
        dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.real(dn_3D),n_med)] = n_med+1j*cupy.imag(dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.real(dn_3D),n_med)])
        dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.imag(dn_3D),0)]     = cupy.real(dn_3D[cupy.less(cupy.imag(dn_3D), 0)])
    • Spatial constraint
        n_3D = cupy.asnumpy(self.resultImage).astype(float)
        otsu_val = filters.threshold_otsu(n_3D)
        n_3D_bi = np.zeros_like(n_3D)
        n_3D_bi[n_3D >= otsu_val]= 1
        self.dn_3D_bi = cupy.asarray(n_3D_bi) 

