Brownian motion

  • This project is the simulation of Brownian motion
  • Create particles class with different parameter represent by objects
    class Particle:
      def __init__(self, x, y, vx, vy, radius=0.01, styles=None):
          self.r = np.array((x, y))
          self.v = np.array((vx, vy))
          self.radius = radius
          self.mass = self.radius ** 2
      def x(self):
          return self.r[0]
      def x(self, value):
          self.r[0] = value
      def y(self):
          return self.r[1]
      def y(self, value):
          self.r[1] = value
      def vx(self):
          return self.v[0]
      def vx(self, value):
          self.v[0] = value
      def vy(self):
          return self.v[1]
      def vy(self, value):
          self.v[1] = value
      def overlaps(self, other):
          total = 0.
          dx = abs(self.x - other.x)
          dx = min(dx, 1-dx)
          dy = abs(self.y - other.y)
          dy = min(dy, 1-dy)
          return np.hypot(dx, dy) < self.radius + other.radius
  • By creating numerous of partical with different radius the simple Brownian motion can be simulate
  • Result

    • track one particle and plot on the left
