QPI project overview
This part describe my research project which I use quantitative phase image method to record the motion of red blood cell flow in side microfludic device
Here I briefly shows the process and the result,
check out the sidebar on the left for detail and the links to source code
Optical setup
- Using ICnet to detect to pisition of red blood cell for each frame
Track the bounding box and seperate each cell
Phase retrieval, Refocus and Realign
- In QPI we use interferogram to store the phase delay cause by different sample. Therefore, an algorithm is needed to retrieve the quantitative information
- After retrieval, an numerical refocus algorithm is using to calibrate the focus distance change during cell motion
Then I align all frames belong to each cell using center of mass, also unified the size and orientation of every frames
Angle calculation
- In order to do the three dimentional reconstruction, the representation angle of each frame should be estimate
- With uniform distribution, RBC can be seen as biolens and estimate its angle using Zernike polynomials which are used to describe wavefront aberrations
- Here I use differnt order to discribe different angle
- Horizontal secondary astigmatism for 90 degree estimation
- Defocus + Primary spherical abberation for 0 degree estimation
- Defocus + Horizontal for other frame between each section of 0~90
3D reconstruction
- We use Fourier diffraction theory to do the reconstruction by mapping the frequency domain of each frame to 3d fourier space
- TVmin and constraint are add to the result to remove artifact