Phase retrival, Refocus and Realign

Phase retrieval

  • In QPI we use interferogram to store the phase delay cause by different sample. Therefore, an algorithm is needed to retrieve the quantitative information

  • The process shown as below

    1. Interferogram take Fourier Transform
    2. crop high frequency region(imformation from high frequency strip) and set pixel with max value as center
    3. optional padding, then do inverse FFT
    4. calculate wrap phase by arctan(real part / imag part)
    5. Use unwrap algorithm to recover phase image
def imgft(img):     # x = 0 for bg x = 1 for sp
    out = np.fft.fft2(img)
    shift = np.fft.fftshift(out)
    shift1 = shift.copy()

    shift1[(1*row)*2//5:row,0:col] = 0.01 #set a crop regeion approximatly to find max position

    newcenter = shift[int(i) - row // 8 :int(i) + row // 8 ,int(j) - col // 8 :int(j) + col // 8 ]

    inv_fshift = np.pad(newcenter, ((384,384),(384,384)), 'constant',constant_values=0.1)  # reverse fourier
    img_amp = np.fft.ifft2(inv_fshift)**2  #calculate amplitude
    img_phase = np.arctan2(np.imag(np.fft.ifft2(inv_fshift)),np.real(np.fft.ifft2(inv_fshift)))   #calculate phase difference as wrapped image
    return img_phase,img_amp, 


  • After retrieval, an numerical refocus algorithm is using to calibrate the focus distance change during cell motion
  • Numerical refocus is base on following formula
  • In order to conform which position(z) is the best focus position, we use Tamura Coefficient which is the proper method to discribe te sparsity of edge
  • Since the iteration takes lot of time, I use CUDA to accelerate this process
def fft_propagate_3d(self,phimap ,d):
    km = (2 * np.pi * self.n_med) / self.wavelen
    kx = (cupy.fft.fftfreq(phimap.shape[0]) * 2 * np.pi).reshape(-1, 1)
    ky = (cupy.fft.fftfreq(phimap.shape[1]) * 2 * np.pi).reshape(1, -1)
    root_km = km**2 - kx**2 - ky**2
    rt0 = (root_km > 0)
    fstemp = cupy.exp(1j * (np.sqrt(root_km * rt0) - km) * d) * rt0
    return cupy.fft.ifft2(phimap* fstemp)


  • Then I align all frames belong to each cell using center of mass, also unified the size and orientation of every frames
    if np.nansum(phimap.real[phase_img == 255]) > 0:
    x_ct_mass = int(round(np.nansum(phi_med.real[phase_img == 255]*row[phase_img == 255])/np.nansum(phi_med.real[phase_img == 255]))) #calculate x coodinate of center of mass
    y_ct_mass = int(round(np.nansum(phi_med.real[phase_img == 255]*column[phase_img == 255])/np.nansum(phi_med.real[phase_img == 255]))) #calculate y coodinate of center of mass
  • Also unified the size of each frame
    def size_uniform(self, frame_num):
      sizelist = []
      frame_num = frame_num.astype(int)
      for i in frame_num :
      max_size = max(sizelist)
      newphimaplist = np.zeros((len(frame_num), max_size , max_size))
      for count, i in enumerate(frame_num):
          img = self.phistack[i].real
          i_shape = img.shape[0]
          size_diff = max_size - i_shape
          resize_real = np.pad(img.real, (size_diff // 2, size_diff // 2), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0))
          resize_imag = np.pad(img.imag, (size_diff // 2, size_diff // 2), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0))
          newphimaplist[count] = resize_real + 1j * resize_imag
      return newphimaplist
