Semantic segmentation
Deep learning for interferogram segmentation using FCN and ICnet
- Model : VGG16/resnet18 + fcn
- VGG16 FCN layer :
class fcn32(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.features_map=VGG16(num_classes=2) self.conv=nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(512,4096,7), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Dropout(), nn.Conv2d(4096,4096,1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Dropout() ) self.score_fr=nn.Conv2d(4096,21,1) self.upscore=nn.ConvTranspose2d(21,2,64,32) def forward(self,x): x_size=x.size() pool=self.conv(self.features_map(x)) score_fr=self.score_fr(pool) upscore=self.upscore(score_fr) return upscore[:,:,16:(16+x_size[2]),16:(16+x_size[3])]
- Resnet FCN layer :
class fcn(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.backnone = resnet18() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(512,64,3,1,1) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64,2,1,1) self.convtrans1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(2,2, 16, 8, 4) = bilinear_kernel(2,2, 16) def forward(self, x): x = self.backbone(x) x = self.conv1(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.convtrans1(x) return x
- VGG16 FCN layer :
- loss : Cross entropy Loss and asymmertric loss
- optimizer : Adam (lr = 0.001)
- environment : pytorch 1.6
Input data
- 3072 x 512 x 1 interferogram crop fom 3072 x 3072 image randomly
- Data labeled using opencv selectROI
- to make it simple, use bbox to label data
- Then turn bbox data into binary mask (sample and background)
In this project I assume asymmertric loss would perfomed
better since sp and bg pixel considerable disparity
- Use IoU and pixel accuracy to scored the performence
- After training, score for testing image can be up to :
- ASL Loss :
- Mean IoU : 0.764
- Cross entropy loss :
- Mean IoU : 0.801
- Pixel accuracy : 0.995
- ASL Loss :
- Change backbone to resnet18
- Cross entropy loss :
- Mean IoU : 0.832
- Cross entropy loss :
Above image shows the process of pridiction using trained
model. the whole precell cost around 0.158 sec
- vgg :
- ASL :
- fcn32 :
inorder to build a faster sementic segmentation program, I choose ICnet(image cascade network) to implement.
- Basic ICnet model and loss function from
- Slightly modified the input size, and parameters of different resolution for loss calculation
Data augumentation
- To enhance the target region, multiple image had been average then subtract by every image
- Use opencv clahe do the histogram equalization
- flip image to enlarge data size
- Change pyrimid pooling structure to RNN for better sequence image segmentation
- in this project, the removal of pyrimid pooling layer only influnce the time consume to converge
- input data : 3072x3072x1 (around 800 image), then downsize to 1024x1024 for training and testing.
- Data augumentation : flipud, fliplr
- MeanIOU : ~0.82
- Frame rate:
- In HDD : 11 fps
- In SSD : 23 fps
- ICnet :
Few tips to improve frame rate
Since most time cost by loading data, following are
few ways to reduce time consume of data loading
Data should be storage in SSD or the hard drive that runs pythn. Data in ssd can lead to 2x faster then in HDD
Use OPENCV2 instead of PIL
(pretty slow)for image reading and simple transformation (easy to implement while loading test data which has no need to do complex transform) -
set num_workers > 0, since data will preloaded to RAM while GPU training/testing. However if image data were storage in HDD, larger num_worker might take even slower than num_workers=0
for data , target in data loader :
, instead of using “iter” function