Zernike fitting
Zernike polynomial play important roles in various optics branches Where C is the coefficient for each order Z. Therefore, we can get C for every W we measure by intergration.
Defocus = np.sqrt(3)*(2*r**2-1)
HPA = np.sqrt(6)*r**2*np.cos(2*u) # horizontal primary astigmatism
PSA = np.sqrt(5)*(6*r**4-6*r**2 + 1) # primary spherical abberation
HSA = np.sqrt(10)*(4*r**2-3)*r**2*np.cos(2*u) # horizontal secondary astigmatism
def fitting(Z,n):
fitlist = []
l = len(Z)
x2 = np.linspace(-1, 1, l)
y2 = np.linspace(-1, 1, l)
[X2,Y2] = np.meshgrid(x2,y2)
r = np.sqrt(X2**2 + Y2**2)
u = np.arctan2(Y2, X2)
for q in range(n):
ZF = "Formula of different order Z"
Z_tot = Z * ZF
Z_tot[r > 1] = 0
C = sum(sum(Z_tot))*2*2/l/l/np.pi
for i in range(l):
for j in range(l):
if x2[i]**2+y2[j]**2>1:
return fitlist , Z_new
Angle calculation
In order to do the three dimentional reconstruction, the representation angle of each frame should be estimate
- With uniform distribution, RBC can be seen as biolens and estimate its angle using Zernike polynomials which are used to describe wavefront aberrations
- Here I use differnt order to discribe different angle
- Horizontal secondary astigmatism for 90 degree estimation
- Defocus + Primary spherical abberation for 0 degree estimation
- Defocus + Horizontal for other frame between each section of 0~90
- For 90 degree and 0 degree, we find out local maximum of C of different Z to define
- For other angle
- From simulation, we find out the Coefficient of the combination of Defocus and Horizontal primary astigmatism is related to cos square curve by rotating ideal discocyte shape
- The formula to transform C value to angle would be
After anle transformation of each 0~90 section, combine them and caliberate to 0~360 cycle
- To accerlerate, Multiprocessing calculation is using
def run(self): fitting_data , phimap_stack = self.read_rbc(self.isdash) pool = mp.Pool(6) zc_list = [pool.starmap(self.zernikeFitting,fitting_data)] pool.close() pool.join()